Tuesday 3 August 2021

What is a plant?

 What Is A Plant ?

A plant is a living organism that comes in different shapes, sizes and colors. Plants fill most of this world. Plants are special to us human beings because they produce oxygen for us.

Plants are all over this world there in waters, lands and seas. Plants are just like us humans because they need water and food. Plants need water to survive without it, it will dry up and die. Plants get their food from the sun. 

Plants go through a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy with sugar.

Some plants don’t really get the things they need so they come up with strategies. For example the Venus fly trap. Whenever an insect comes close or in the mouth of the plant it closes its mouth and squeezes the insect until it gets devoured. 

Some plants defend themselves from predators. like a rose bush. They defend themselves by growing thorns. There is a plant called the sensitive plant, whenever it gets touched it closes up to make it look dead so the predator will go and find a better plant.

Some plants are helpful and some are not. Some things like Poison Ivy are not one of the things you want to get close to. Poison Ivy got its name because of how you continuously itch. 

See ya!


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